Monday, May 28, 2012

The Reagan Coalition - Past, gift and time to come

California Abortion - The Reagan Coalition - Past, gift and time to come
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Do you know about - The Reagan Coalition - Past, gift and time to come

California Abortion! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The Reagan coalition was a group of voters brought together by Republican Ronald Reagan in order to build a major political realignment with his immense victory in the 1980 United States Presidential Election. Democrat Jimmy Carter's failure in majority of socio-economic groups made the formation of the Reagan Coalition possible.

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How is The Reagan Coalition - Past, gift and time to come

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Abortion.

The Past:

It was in the year 1984 that Reagan corroborated his keep by claiming nearly 60% of the favorite vote and carried 49 of the 50 states. The Reagan Democrats, who were mainly white, socially conservative blue-collar workers of the Northeast, were Democrats earlier but voted for the Republican in favor of Reagan's public conservatism on issues such as abortion, and to his hawkish foreign policy. However, these voters who brought landslide victories to Ronald did not vote for the Republicans in 1992 and 1996. Thus, the favorite term "Reagan Coalition" soon fell into abandonment, except as a reference to the 1980s. The term is now commonly used to relate the southern whites who enduringly changed party affiliation from Democrat to Republican while the Reagan administration, and they have largely remained Republican to this day.

The Founding theory of the Coalition:

o Individual Liberty
o Personal Responsibility
o National Security
o Limited Federalist National Government
o Free shop Capitalism
o Traditional American Values
o The Rule of Law

The Present: Obama Heading the Carter Way:

The biggest examine that needs to be answered today is whether Obama can originate a sensation and enhance his suitable rating, which has recently dropped down to the below-50 mark, by revivifying the dilapidated Reagan Coalition. Obama's radical and costly policies have caused his approval ratings to tank in a very short span of time. Any Conservatives have already started to believe that President Obama is headed more and more in a Jimmy Carter direction. With President's high expenses, government operate of the economy, especially on energy, and apparent signs of retreat abroad, it seems like Jimmy Carter has again won his second term of office, 28 years after getting booted by the American electorate!

The Future: Are We Ready for another Reagan Coalition?

Reagan had established himself into a redoubtable candidate by discussing politics and philosophy on the speaking circuit for years and then adhering to conservative values as the governor for 8 long years. It was his clear optimism that allowed him to form the coalition. He led the coalition to power in 1980 and citizen were aware about the program that he would effect as a President. But, the point of interest here is that it took a Carter to put Reagan in Office. If we go by what most Conservatives are feeling today, we already have a Carter ready in form of President Obama. But, do we have a Reagan ready to go? Years 2010 and 2012 will give Conservatives a golden occasion to revive a kind of 'Reagan Coalition' if they could find a candidate who has the experience and credibility in office and activism to give it that kind of strength.

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