Friday, June 8, 2012

Medicaid Planning with an Irrevocable Trust

Family Planning - Medicaid Planning with an Irrevocable Trust
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Do you know about - Medicaid Planning with an Irrevocable Trust

Family Planning! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

You know that you, your spouse, or a parent is facing a nursing home stay. It's not tomorrow, but it's not 20 years away, either. Is there a good technique to protect your assets so that the nursing home won't wind up with your life savings? Actually,'s called an "irrevocable trust." Let's take a look at how it works.

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How is Medicaid Planning with an Irrevocable Trust

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Family Planning.

An irrevocable trust is one that cannot be revoked, amended, or changed once it is signed. Do not confuse this with a "Living Trust" done for probate avoidance purposes; that type of trust is revocable and will not work for Medicaid planning. Your elder law attorney would draft the trust for you and then aid you in transferring some measure of your assets into the trust. (I am omitting many details of how the trust is to be drafted, set up, and funded. For a detailed consulation of such trusts in the Medicaid planning context, see my book, "How to protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets.")

A exchange into such a trust is determined a gift for Medicaid eligibility purposes. Thus, the usual "penalty period" and "lookback period" rules apply to the gifts into the trust the same as they would with an outright gift.

For example, assume you generate your new trust and immediately exchange 0,000 into the name of the trust, leaving you with only minimal other countable assets. Assume you do this on January 1 of Year 1. Also assume that the state you live in has a "penalty divisor" of ,000, meaning that there is one month's penalty for every ,000 worth of gifts.

Here's how the rules play out:

Penalty Period. Since the amount of the gift was 0,000, if you went in to apply for Medicaid the next day, there would be a "penalty period" (i.e., duration of time that you would be disqualified from receiving Medicaid assistance) of 36 months (0,000 / ,000 = 36).

Lookback Period. For any gift made on or after February 8, 2006, if you apply for Medicaid within 5 years of such gift, there will be imposed a penalty period. So in our example, if you apply for Medicaid at any time before January 2, Year 6, you will be faced with a 36-month penalty duration that begins on the date you apply! That's right---even if you make the gift today and apply for Medicaid in 4 1/2 years, you will have to wait other 3 years because of the penalty! "Gee, I could have just waited other 6 months and I'd be out from under the lookback duration and have no penalty!" Exactly. So be particular of applying too early!

But what if you might need nursing home care prior to Year 6? All your money is tied up in the trust, so how can you pay for the nursing home? Essentially, your family members will have to pay your expenses for that duration of time. (It may be potential for the trust to be drafted so that money in the trust can be distributed to your family members for this purpose, but this must be very determined done in order to avoid serious trouble.)

In that case, the big examine is, when do you apply for Medicaid? Of course, you must verily have a medical need for nursing home-level care in order to apply. But if you wish nursing home care in Year 1 or Year 2 and apply for Medicaid at such time, there will be a 3-year penalty duration from the date you apply. In other words, you will be eligible to re-apply for Medicaid in Year 4 (if you apply in Year 1) or Year 5 (if you apply in Year 2). Obviously that is good than waiting for the expiration of the whole 5-year lookback period, which won't occur until Year 6.

However, if you don't need nursing home care until at least Year 3, you are good off not applying for Medicaid until after the faultless expiration of the lookback period, i.e., in Year 6. That's because if you apply in, say, June of Year 3, you will still be disqualified for an added 3 years, i.e., until June of Year 6 (instead of only until January of Year 6). And if you apply in Year 5, you won't be eligible until some time in Year 8!

It's foremost to remember that the numbers above only apply to this particular example. You must work out the details with your elder law attorney, since the optimal time to apply will be governed by your health, your other (non-trust) assets, your family's capability to cover your expenses, the amount you gifted into the trust, your state's penalty divisor.

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